Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Miss Central Ohio is approaching!

As most of us know, Miss Central Ohio is approaching quickly! It is my first local this season, and only my second ever! I have little butterflies in my belly thinking about it, but I just keep thinking "Just have fun, just have fun." It helps calm my nerves when I tell myself that! I wish I knew who will be competing on Saturday. I only know of one, maybe two, girls other than myself that will be there.

My platform is "Think Pink: The importance of breast self-examinations in young women." It is inspired by my own struggle with a lump that I found in my left breast when I was 17 years old. Fortunately, I discovered it as benign, but I still believe that educating women at a young age can help to solve problems and questions that deal with breast cancer and breast lumps, as well as preventing the scare. Not all lumps are cancerous. In fact, 80% of them are benign.

It will be fun...good luck to all!
Oh, and remember..."Just have fun, just have fun!" HAHA!

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